妳的私密处气味很重吗? 生理期散发的血腥味总让人发现? 相信有不少姊妹们有这类困扰,明明私密处没有疾病或感染,但气味浓厚实在尴尬!












英国有句谚语: You are what you eat. 健康的饮食对身体气味也有不小的影响,有些医学专家认为长期高油高糖的饮食习惯会让私密处散发较浓的气味,同时容易让私密处的益生菌微生态及酸碱环境失衡,进而因容易感染而有异味产生,食用私密益生菌及含有PAC的蔓越莓可以帮助私密微生态及酸碱值的維持。





Does your intimate area have a strong odor? 
Is there unmistakable smell of blood during your period? 

Many women might have this concern—despite not having any disease or infection, the strong smell from the intimate area can indeed be embarrassing!


Tip 1 – Maintain Good Hygiene Habits

The noticeable odor from the intimate area usually comes from secretions, the oxidation of proteins in sweat, or urine left for too long that interacts with external bacteria. By adopting small habits in daily life to reduce the exposure to air and bacteria, you can help minimize unpleasant odors!

Clean properly after using the restroom: Use toilet paper to wipe away urine and secretions thoroughly to prevent them from staining your underwear. If necessary, you can also rinse with water and dry off afterward. When outside, you can use feminine wet wipes or intimate antibacterial sprays for extra cleanliness.

Change sanitary products frequently during your period: The bloody smell during menstruation is hard to conceal, so changing sanitary products frequently prevents blood from interacting with air and bacteria, reducing the development of stronger odors.

Wear breathable and comfortable underwear, and change it frequently: Breathable and comfortable clothing prevents the intimate area from becoming hot and sweaty, which can cause unpleasant smells. It's also agreed that changing your underwear daily is crucial because secretions and urine can stain it, leading to stronger odors over time.

Shower and change into clean clothes after sweating: Sweat itself doesn't have much of an odor initially, but it can develop a strong smell over time when it interacts with bacteria on clothing and in the air. Trapped sweat also contributes to vaginal odor.

Urinate and clean yourself immediately after sex: If you haven't used a condom, the mixture of semen and vaginal secretions can produce a stronger odor than either fluid alone.


Tip 2 – Exercise Regularly, Drink Plenty of Water, and Maintain a Healthy Diet

Water makes up about 60-70% of the body. Regular exercise and drinking plenty of water can help with waste circulation and metabolism. Poor metabolism can lead to a stronger body odor, darker and more concentrated urine, and a stronger smell from the intimate area. Some people might think that sweat after exercise makes the intimate area smell worse, but in fact, cleaning the body promptly after exercise can help you get rid of odors, making you feel fresher from the inside out.

As the British saying goes, "You are what you eat." A healthy diet also has a significant impact on body odor. Some medical experts believe that a long-term diet high in fat and sugar can cause the intimate area to emit a stronger odor and disrupt the balance of microbiome and the pH environment, leading to infections and odors. Consuming probiotics for intimate health and PAC-rich cranberries can help maintain the balance of the intimate microbiome and pH levels.


Reference :

  1. https://www.healthline.com/health/womens-health/how-to-get-rid-of-vaginal-odor
  2. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/317560#adopt-good-hygiene-measures