

根据2021年马来西亚的研究发现,食用特殊的6株益生菌菌种组合4周以上能帮助孕妇改善私密不适的问题。研究团队将78位孕妇分成安慰剂组和益生菌实验组,每天食用安慰剂-麦芽糊精或菌数20亿以上的益生菌组合-L. plantarum LP115, L. helveticus LA25, L. rhamnosus LRH10, L. paracasei LPC12, L. fermentum LF26, and L. delbrueckii subsp. Lactis LDL114。






Many women are likely aware, or have personally experienced, that the condition of the intimate area can vary due to different physiological issues or special periods in life, with pregnancy being the time when hormonal changes are most drastic. The ups and downs during this period are truly something only those who have been through it can fully understand. 


During pregnancy, many women experience changes in hormone levels that affect the pH balance, bacterial flora, and immunity of the intimate area. This can lead to an increase in discharge or stronger odors, with a higher likelihood of itching, irritation, and burning sensations. Research has even shown that the rate of infections in the intimate area is higher in pregnant women than in those who are not pregnant, making the journey of pregnancy particularly challenging. 


A 2021 study from Malaysia found that consuming a combination of six specific probiotic strains for more than four weeks can help pregnant women alleviate discomfort in the intimate area. The research team divided 78 pregnant women into a placebo group and a probiotic test group, with the participants taking either a placebo (maltodextrin) or a probiotic combination containing over 2 billion CFU (L. plantarum LP115, L. helveticus LA25, L. rhamnosus LRH10, L. paracasei LPC12, L. fermentum LF26, and L. delbrueckii subsp. lactis LDL114) daily. 


The experiment lasted for 8 weeks, and by the 4th week, it was observed that the group taking probiotics showed significant improvement in various indicators of intimate discomfort. After 8 weeks, the women in the probiotic group experienced a noticeable reduction in discharge and itching, and there was also a significant increase in bowel movements. 


This study confirms that the discomfort in the intimate area due to infections or unstable bacterial flora in pregnant women can be improved through the use of probiotics. It also further reduces the recurrence rate of vaginitis and alleviates digestive issues common during pregnancy, helping pregnant women maintain a healthier state. 


This research provides additional evidence for the effectiveness of probiotics, showing that specific strains of probiotics indeed contribute to the health of the intimate area.



  1. Ang XY, Chung FY, Lee BK, Azhar SNA, Sany S, Roslan NS, Ahmad N, Yusof SM, Abdullah N, Nik Ab Rahman NN, Abdul Wahid N, Deris ZZ, Oon CE, Wan Adnan WF, Liong MT. Lactobacilli Reduce Recurrences of Vaginal Candidiasis in Pregnant Women: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study. J Appl Microbiol. 2021 May 22. doi: 10.1111/jam.15158. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34022103.
  2. Sopian, I.L., Sa’adiah Shahabudin, M.A.A., Lung, L.T.T. and Sandai, D. (2016) Yeast infection and diabetes mellitus among pregnant mother in Malaysia. MJMS 23, 27.
  3. Okonkwo, N. and Umeanaeto, P. (2010) Prevalence of vaginal candidiasis among pregnant women in Nnewi Town of Anambra State, Nigeria. Afr Res Rev 4, doi: 10.4314/afrrev.v4i4.69250.

撰文者 妇科医师 洪芝晨