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私密处的健康和卫生是女性们十分重视的课题,难免会有不舒服或轻微感染的状况,现代人的医药资源十分便利,但古代的女性就没这么幸福了,大家会不会好奇以前怎么清洁私密处呢? 让我们来分享历史上有趣的冷知识吧!
到了近代,越来越多研究发现在家随意自行阴道灌洗有很大的风险,应该在有医药专业人员的指示或咨询后,选择适当的阴道灌洗药品,而目前被核可的成分只有含普威隆碘(povidone iodine)的外用制剂,例如:妇洁液。
Intimate health and hygiene are the very crucial lesson that women value as sometimes irritate so much. Unliked the convenience of modern time, women in ancient time suffer for the lake of medical resources. How do they deal with intimate cleanse back then?
Trivia 1 : No shower for women during the period
Water is seen a rare and cherished resources in ancient era no matter in western or eastern. People usually take a bath in a tub, or directly dive into iced-cold river for shower. During the period, Eastern traditional doctors suggest women not to risk catching cold whilst western doctors concern about the tub infection. All in all, they share the same point of view that women should take a bath until the period pass.
Trivia 2 : Women can finally take a shower during the period thanks to the showerhead
As the hygiene and medical knowledge popularize, people find out that the discharge and menses are the hotbed of bacteria nourishment. In the mid 19th century, the western starts to mark personal hygiene as major concern and invents the showerhead. On top of that, they encourage women to bath with warm water in the period via showerhead. The eastern is slightly late to import the bath tools but still acknowledge of using boiled water to inactivate viruses in the early 20th century.
Trivia 3 : The very first vaginal douche is invented in 16th century!
The oldest douche formulate for women intimate care can be traced back to 1500 A.D. according to the record. The formula they use are from garlic and red wine to vinegar and yogurt.
1, 周春燕(Chun-Yan Chou), 走出禁忌-近代中国女性的经期卫生(1895-1949) 国立政治大学历史学报28期 (2007 / 11 / 01) P231 – 285
2, Baird DD, Weinberg CR, Voigt LF, Daling JR. Vaginal douching and reduced fertility. Am J Public Health. 1996;86(6):844-850. doi:10.2105/ajph.86.6.844
3, Martino JL, Vermund SH. Vaginal douching: evidence for risks or benefits to women's health. Epidemiol Rev. 2002;24(2):109-124. doi:10.1093/epirev/mxf004
4, Funabiki M, Taguchi S, Hayashi T, Tada Y, Kitaya K, Iwaki Y, Karita M, Nakamura Y. Vaginal preparation with povidone iodine disinfection and saline douching as a safe and effective method in prevention of oocyte pickup-associated pelvic inflammation without spoiling the reproductive outcome: evidence from a large cohort study. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2014;41(6):689-90. PMID: 25551964.